Dinner Gild

Menus and News...

Thank you!

The Dinner Gild would like to thank all the cashiers, cooks, table setters, bakers, slicers, meat tenderizers, salad spinners, fryers and everyone in between who has contributed to making Saturday Night dinners a success. Thank you to Jill Althouse-Wood for enthusiastically organizing our alcohol offerings and to all who have served and sold under this new system. We know change is hard and we thank all those who took it in stride, and wined and dined!
Special thanks per usual to Chris Day for his management of dinners, cooking dinners, the beautiful and creative boards, and a whole bunch of other things. I can’t possibly list them all but Chris sharing his talent and dedication to the club in service of the dinner gild is a gift to us all! Thank you Chris!
Thank you to Brigid, Jon, and George!!! I for one can’t imagine Saturday dinners without these friendly faces who also work so hard! It could not be done without them!
Thanks to Katie Donovan who has recently stepped outside the cashier's corner and into helping with finances further.

Speaking of cashiers Claire Ennis organized the cashier schedule and cashiered too! Thank you to Tom Wheeler, MP, Katie Donovan, and all others who cashiered!
Thank you to Claire, Laura, Bess, Edmund, and Dave for attending meetings and making sure Dinner Gild has diverse voices in our choices.

This year I (Jen) have taken it upon myself to choose the volunteer of the year. Keri Del Tufo would never allow this if she had any control of what I am submitting but she is the backbone of the dinner gild. She has done just about all the behind-the-scenes work for most of this season. She handles reservations, deposits, bookkeeping, ordering things we need, making sure cooks get reimbursed in a timely manner and so much more. I happen to have had one of the hardest seasons of my life and she picked up the slack and then some. Thank you Keri for your commitment to our community, dedication to the gild, and ability to get shit done!

As usual, email us at adgreservations@gmail.com if you would like to cook next season or support the dinner gild in any way. We do have a list of those who have let us know you are interested in helping and we thank you all! We will continue to reach out for sure. We would love to have more cooks in the kitchen and behind the scenes so please consider sharing your culinary talents or your organizational prowess with the dinner gild!
Please forgive the possible omission of particular thanks as I am sure there are more people who deserve shout-outs!! Enjoy your summer and we hope to see you all in the fall!

Jen, Keri and the Arden Dinner Gild.

Important Notice!!
Outside alcohol is not permitted at dinners, but we do have wonderful beverage options available:
We've partnered with Dave Gavatos at Swigg Wine Shop in Independence Mall. They've provided us with delicious wines, at a price break to the Club, which will be offered as house wines. One red and one white will be available at every dinner.

These will be the ONLY wines sold by the glass (6oz for $5) and… by the carafe (12oz for $8).
Additional Wine Options: A wider selection of wines will be available for purchase by the bottle at $15 each (Again—at a price break.)
• While we can't offer a customized wine selection for each meal, we'll strive for food-friendly pairings.
• Beverage service starts 30 minutes before meal service and ends when George’s announcements begin.
• Currently, only cash and checks are accepted. Please plan accordingly.
We're constantly learning and appreciate your suggestions! Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Thank you again for your continued support as we implement this new service. AND A Big Thank You: Diners have stepped up and completed the necessary server training, allowing us to maintain compliance with regulations.


Please let us know if you are interested in leading a dinner or volunteering next season!
We are preparing the schedule now!
Write to us at adgreservations@gmail.com or call 302-238-6860

The Dinner Gild contributes to the strong sense of community among the residents of The Ardens, members of the Arden Club, and their guests, by providing opportunities to share wholesome, inexpensive meals in a neighborhood environment.  Bringing together our love of the arts, food, music, and most importantly, friendship.

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