Introduction to the Gilds of the Arden Club
The center for Gild and Club activities is Gild Hall. Concerts and theater, meetings, dances, dinners, and community gatherings take place in Upper & Lower Gild Hall, Moonlight Theatre, and the Shady Grove. We offer recreational and fun educational programs for all ages and interests.
You will find a full and rewarding community experience at the Arden Club

Ardensingers have performed the works of Gilbert & Sullivan, and other musical comedies since 1947. New singers, orchestra members, and production personnel are always welcome. More...

Bridge Gild meets twice a month, the first and third Thursday, for a friendly, low key game. All levels of skills are welcome. More...

Concert Gild produces and promotes an annual series of concerts in the Gild Hall and the Shady Grove. Performers are drawn from an eclectic mix of musical styles including jazz, blues, rock, bluegrass, world music, and More...

Dinner Gild sponsors full-course meals on Saturday evenings from October to May, prepared by our volunteer cooking teams. Please come, eat well, and socialize. Children are welcome! More...

Folk Gild presents weekly dances including folk, contra, line, Scottish/English dance, and ‘Arden in Motion’ - guided dance/movement improvisation. There is always instruction for newcomers so come join us. More...

Gardeners Gild is for everyone interested in any phase of gardening. Lectures, field trips, exchanging plants, and sharing information are all a fun part of the Gild. More...

Library Gild is a Club-sponsored, village-supported, community library, that attracts readers of all ages. New selections arrive monthly, come and find your next great read! More...

Scholars Gild explores topics of interest. Each month a different subject is presented and discussed. The range of topics spans the Arts, Science, History, Culture, and just about anything you can think of. More...

Shakespeare Gild produces one of Shakespeare’s plays each summer in the open-air Frank Stephens Memorial Theater. Each winter our members direct the Young Actor's Workshop for children from age 2 through high school. More...

Writers Gild strives to change and improve our community by exploring the gifts of literature. Our Gild expands our ability to integrate the world of the written word into our lives and community. More...