Come dance with us this spring!

Arden In Motion
Sunday, April 13, 7:00- 8:30pm
Sunday, May 18, 7:00 - 8:30pm
Certified Group Motion facilitators Nina Sherak and Megan King guide you through movement meditations and accessible improvisational structures accompanied by live music!
Door donation $20 – $25 suggested
Email for more information

Contra Dancing
Sunday, April 6 - Techno Contra Double Dance!
Lesson at 2pm
Dancing from 2:30-5:00, 6:30-9:30. BYO picnic dinner!
Music: Petrichord - afternoon, DJ Talya - evening
Calling by J9 Smith
Pricing for Club members/Regular:
Single dance: $17/20
Both dances: $27/30

Friday, April 25 - Evening dance!
Lesson at 7pm
Dancing from 7:30-10pm
Music: Tall Poppy Stringband (Morgan Harris - guitar, Cameron DeWhitt - banjo, joined by Alex Kramer on fiddle)
Pricing for Club members/Regular: $15/20
No Contra dances in May.  See you on Sunday, June 1 for the last contra dance of the season!
Email with any questions!

International Folk Dancing
Wednesday, April 9 4:00 - 5:30pm with Lorraine Cohn
Wednesday, April 16
7:30 - 9pm with Jenny Brown
Classic dances from around the globe
Door cover $6, $5 members

Israeli Dancing
Wednesday, April 2, 7:30 - 9:30pm
Wednesday, April 30, 7:30 - 9:30pm (no Israeli dancing in May)
Contemporary and favorites from Israel with Sharon Kleban
Door cover $6, $5 members

Scottish-English Country Dancing
Every Thursday in April plus May 8 and 15, 7:30 - 9:30pm, led by Line Farr & Michael Wood
Everyone welcome - no partners needed.  Requirements - walking briskly and moving with energy 🙂
Sliding scale $7 - $15, $5 students.
Masks optional;  vaccine and booster shots strongly recommended.
Contact for information.