Gardeners Gild
April 2025

Plant Swap Monday, April 21 at 7:30 pm!
Bring some seeds, seedlings, divisions, whatever you’ve got and take home something different. Please, no invasives. Bring labels for everything and explain what they need. Nothing to share? Come anyway and next year you will.

Check your emails for more details about the May 3, 11 am tour to Delaware Botanic Garden at Pepper Creek in Dagsboro, DE!
Free for Arden Club members (donations to the Arden Club accepted).

Not a Member? Join now online and help support the Arden Club

- Elaine Schmerling, Gardeners Gild
clean your tools

The Gardeners Gild is for those interested in all aspects of gardening. Activities include gardening lectures, field trips to interesting gardens, exchanging plants and gardening information, and tending to the community plantings.

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